Who is the best Road markings company in South Africa?

Neat Roads  https://neatroads.co.za/  offer every option in road markings to suit the needs of the customer –  solvent Based Road Markings, Thermo Plastic & Water Based Markings

What are road markings?

Road markings are markings that are embedded in, or applied, to the surface of the road, kerbing, or to objects next to the roadway.

What is the purpose of road markings?

The purpose of road markings are twofold – To regulate, guide and warn the traffic and to clearly outline the limits of the roadway.

How are road markings applied?

On major roads in South Africa it is applied by using a dedicated road-marking vehicle that delivers the paint under computer control. It sounds simple, however, it still leaves the highly skilled ”steersman” with the challenging task of following the surveyed line precisely, and at the correct pace for specific conditions

Road markings on smaller roads in South Africa becomes even trickier Here the  paint is applied from a ‘laying pram’, which is a simple metal trolley that is fitted with a heater so as to keep the paint fluid. The skill road markings “steersman” now lies in the following of the line precisely and at the right rate – to ensure that the lines are the correct thickness and width – and also stopping and starting the flow of the paint to achieve the right pattern.

What are the 3 types of road markings

Regulatory, warning, and guide signs.